EP of Primordial Polarities

Some time ago I presented my system PEAT to the Free Field. I am using it primary as a system for vanishing limitating believes and other metastructures which make roots of all psychical, emotional and Spiritual problems and troubles. Today we know this – no matter which problem you want to solve in the beggining, you have to uncover your PP or Primordial Polarities (Individual Codes) if you dig deep enough. You have to, you can’t avoid confronting them. They are always at the deepest roots of all your problems.

Doing PEAT process, you go down the chain of mental, emotional and physical (somatics) states. Or, if you prefer, you claim up the chain. Be it as it may, you come to your own first creations which you made when you entered manifested universe. They are like two pillars on the threshold of manifested universe which define your playground for your fundamental game of life. Before you uncover your Primordial Polarities you will vanish, by the way, many of your unwanted states, illnesses and problems.

What differs PEAT process from auditing or similar processing is absence of pictures and other common elements of Scn processing. If they show up, we always ask for emotions and somatics behind them. Going from point to point on your face and body (touching them with two fingers), you dig out different second postulates, somatics and states full of misemotions. But you don’t loose your time on them, you don’t stay with emotional abreactions, you simply go on deeper and deeper (or higher and higher). Naturally, the question comes up to the mind – what is EP of the process ?

There are two kinds of EP, depending on what you are after. If you want to vanish unwanted state as such (for example, inferioriority feeling, money problems, fears and different kinds of restimulations), EP is moment when you get just that, when you make unwanted state vanish.

And you get such results on two levels. If you are after elimination of unwanted state as such, you keep your attention on it and touch points on your face and body and make it vanish, usually in minutes. As I said before, I need about 10 minutes to uncreate longlasting and persistent phobias.

Honestly speaking, it is not permanent remedy. Results will last two years, two life times or two universes, but problem will have to come up again, because the deepest root of it, metastructure, is not handled that way. As a matter of fact, majority of Clients ask just for that, they want to be set free from urgent problems, they are not interested in our stories of eternity.

If you are after deepest roots of a problem, you don’t pay attention to the problem you start from and to lessening of its power. You keep asking Client what comes up at every point Client touches. And he gives you long chain of mind contents (in yoga these are chitta or mind stuff). You don’t loose your time on them, you always begin new process on such content untill you uncover the next one (it goes pretty quick), and so on and on untill you get to the core element which makes the root of the problem you started with (and many other problems as well).

But, as I said before, no matter which unwanted state you are going to uncreate, if you are doing deep processing (I call it “digging”) you have to meet your PP in 3 sessions (till now only one person spent four).

Neutralisation is EP of Process of discovering your Primordial Polarities. But the way it happens differes in PEAT compared with Dallas Tech. As far as I know, in Dallas, after uncovering Codes, they do long Clean Slate processing, work with identities etc. In PEAT it happens as a result of process when you do it. Just before that moment there is a short confusion in thinking and feeling. Client becomes a bit dizzy and disoriented. It’s natural because playground defined and limited with his PP, on which the game of life was played, vanishes. It is like sudden vanishing of walls of the jail you have lived in your entire life.

In that moment person can’t see any difference in his Primordial Polarities, they merge and become ONE without his or her effort. It just happens to a person! Suddenly, he is in front of Oneness. What follows almost instantly is feeling of amazement and freedom.

One should not expect any miraculous wins from this. There are, of course, many cognitions (“God, now I understand my whole life!”, “Jesus, this explain everything!” etc.) and there are practical benefitis: After that moment, person solves his problems quicker and easier. Most of the problems have as their structure the same fundamental game of life. Primordial Polarities don’t disapear for the rest of time. Very quickly they are again on the stage. But now person recognises them without much effort as well as the games person goes on playing, but not compulsively and unconsciously as before. Many problems come up to the mind to be solved and they are solved in short time and more efficiently.

There is no need for long training of Processors. A person with good auditing training or any other kind of processing coud be trained in a day or two. For a Processor, mainpoint is to be able to quickly stabilize his Client, because after uncovery of PP Client becomes a bit unstable. But it is a matter of couple of hours.

PEAT is the child of New Age. Goodbuy long training, painfull processing and thousands of dollars. Goodbuy for ever! Till recently, there were only four Processors doing Codes uncovering – 3 in USA and one in Australia. Today there are 9 more of them in miserable Yugoslavia, governed by dictator Milosevic. Well, very often, on the worst tresh ground the sweetest fruit trees blossom.

Before us, there were some men of wisdom who new about the secret of Neutralisation of Primordial Polarities. It was the greatest secret of 19th century occultism. Now we have got that secret!


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